Process execution

Monitor process lifecycle with process_exec and process_exit

This first use case is monitoring process execution, which can be observed with the Tetragon process_exec and process_exit JSON events. These events contain the full lifecycle of processes, from fork/exec to exit, including metadata such as:

  • Binary name: Defines the name of an executable file
  • Parent process: Helps to identify process execution anomalies (e.g., if a nodejs app forks a shell, this is suspicious)
  • Command-line argument: Defines the program runtime behavior
  • Current working directory: Helps to identify hidden malware execution from a temporary folder, which is a common pattern used in malwares
  • Kubernetes metadata: Contains pods, labels, and Kubernetes namespaces, which are critical to identify service owners, particularly in a multitenant environments
  • exec_id: A unique process identifier that correlates all recorded activity of a process

As a first step, let’s start monitoring the events from the xwing pod:

kubectl logs -n kube-system -l -c export-stdout -f | tetra getevents -o compact --namespace default --pod xwing

Then in another terminal, let’s kubectl exec into the xwing pod and execute some example commands:

kubectl exec -it xwing -- /bin/bash

If you observe, the output in the first terminal should be:

🚀 process default/xwing /bin/bash
🚀 process default/xwing /usr/bin/whoami
💥 exit    default/xwing /usr/bin/whoami 0

Here you can see the binary names along with its arguments, the pod info, and return codes in a compact one-line view of the events.

For more details use the raw JSON events to get detailed information, you can stop the Tetragon CLI by Crl-C and parse the tetragon.log file by executing:

kubectl logs -n kube-system -l -c export-stdout -f | jq 'select("xwing" or"xwing")'

Example process_exec and process_exit events can be:

Process Exec Event

  "process_exec": {
    "process": {
      "exec_id": "a2luZC1jb250cm9sLXBsYW5lOjExNDI4NjE1NjM2OTAxOjUxNTgz",
      "pid": 51583,
      "uid": 0,
      "cwd": "/",
      "binary": "/usr/bin/whoami",
      "arguments": "--version",
      "flags": "execve rootcwd clone",
      "start_time": "2022-05-11T12:54:45.615Z",
      "auid": 4294967295,
      "pod": {
        "namespace": "default",
        "name": "xwing",
        "container": {
          "id": "containerd://1fb931d2f6e5e4cfdbaf30fdb8e2fdd81320bdb3047ded50120a4f82838209ce",
          "name": "spaceship",
          "image": {
            "id": "",
            "name": ""
          "start_time": "2022-05-11T10:07:33Z",
          "pid": 50
      "docker": "1fb931d2f6e5e4cfdbaf30fdb8e2fdd",
      "parent_exec_id": "a2luZC1jb250cm9sLXBsYW5lOjkwNzkyMjU2MjMyNjk6NDM4NzI=",
      "refcnt": 1
    "parent": {
      "exec_id": "a2luZC1jb250cm9sLXBsYW5lOjkwNzkyMjU2MjMyNjk6NDM4NzI=",
      "pid": 43872,
      "uid": 0,
      "cwd": "/",
      "binary": "/bin/bash",
      "flags": "execve rootcwd clone",
      "start_time": "2022-05-11T12:15:36.225Z",
      "auid": 4294967295,
      "pod": {
        "namespace": "default",
        "name": "xwing",
        "container": {
          "id": "containerd://1fb931d2f6e5e4cfdbaf30fdb8e2fdd81320bdb3047ded50120a4f82838209ce",
          "name": "spaceship",
          "image": {
            "id": "",
            "name": ""
          "start_time": "2022-05-11T10:07:33Z",
          "pid": 43
      "docker": "1fb931d2f6e5e4cfdbaf30fdb8e2fdd",
      "parent_exec_id": "a2luZC1jb250cm9sLXBsYW5lOjkwNzkxODU5NTMzOTk6NDM4NjE=",
      "refcnt": 1
  "node_name": "kind-control-plane",
  "time": "2022-05-11T12:54:45.615Z"

Process Exit Event

  "process_exit": {
    "process": {
      "exec_id": "a2luZC1jb250cm9sLXBsYW5lOjExNDI4NjE1NjM2OTAxOjUxNTgz",
      "pid": 51583,
      "uid": 0,
      "cwd": "/",
      "binary": "/usr/bin/whoami",
      "arguments": "--version",
      "flags": "execve rootcwd clone",
      "start_time": "2022-05-11T12:54:45.615Z",
      "auid": 4294967295,
      "pod": {
        "namespace": "default",
        "name": "xwing",
        "container": {
          "id": "containerd://1fb931d2f6e5e4cfdbaf30fdb8e2fdd81320bdb3047ded50120a4f82838209ce",
          "name": "spaceship",
          "image": {
            "id": "",
            "name": ""
          "start_time": "2022-05-11T10:07:33Z",
          "pid": 50
      "docker": "1fb931d2f6e5e4cfdbaf30fdb8e2fdd",
      "parent_exec_id": "a2luZC1jb250cm9sLXBsYW5lOjkwNzkyMjU2MjMyNjk6NDM4NzI="
    "parent": {
      "exec_id": "a2luZC1jb250cm9sLXBsYW5lOjkwNzkyMjU2MjMyNjk6NDM4NzI=",
      "pid": 43872,
      "uid": 0,
      "cwd": "/",
      "binary": "/bin/bash",
      "flags": "execve rootcwd clone",
      "start_time": "2022-05-11T12:15:36.225Z",
      "auid": 4294967295,
      "pod": {
        "namespace": "default",
        "name": "xwing",
        "container": {
          "id": "containerd://1fb931d2f6e5e4cfdbaf30fdb8e2fdd81320bdb3047ded50120a4f82838209ce",
          "name": "spaceship",
          "image": {
            "id": "",
            "name": ""
          "start_time": "2022-05-11T10:07:33Z",
          "pid": 43
      "docker": "1fb931d2f6e5e4cfdbaf30fdb8e2fdd",
      "parent_exec_id": "a2luZC1jb250cm9sLXBsYW5lOjkwNzkxODU5NTMzOTk6NDM4NjE="
  "node_name": "kind-control-plane",
  "time": "2022-05-11T12:54:45.616Z"