
Documentation for Tetragon Events

Tetragon’s events are exposed to the system through either the gRPC endpoint or JSON logs. Commands in this section assume the Getting Started guide was used, but are general other than the namespaces chosen and should work in most environments.


The first way is to observe the raw json output from the stdout container log:

kubectl logs -n kube-system -l -c export-stdout -f

The raw JSON events provide Kubernetes API, identity metadata, and OS level process visibility about the executed binary, its parent and the execution time. A base Tetragon installation will produce process_exec and process_exit events encoded in JSON as shown here,

Process execution event

  "process_exec": {
    "process": {
      "exec_id": "Z2tlLWpvaG4tNjMyLWRlZmF1bHQtcG9vbC03MDQxY2FjMC05czk1OjEzNTQ4Njc0MzIxMzczOjUyNjk5",
      "pid": 52699,
      "uid": 0,
      "cwd": "/",
      "binary": "/usr/bin/curl",
      "arguments": "",
      "flags": "execve rootcwd",
      "start_time": "2023-10-06T22:03:57.700327580Z",
      "auid": 4294967295,
      "pod": {
        "namespace": "default",
        "name": "xwing",
        "container": {
          "id": "containerd://551e161c47d8ff0eb665438a7bcd5b4e3ef5a297282b40a92b7c77d6bd168eb3",
          "name": "spaceship",
          "image": {
            "id": "",
            "name": ""
          "start_time": "2023-10-06T21:52:41Z",
          "pid": 49
        "pod_labels": {
          "": "xwing",
          "class": "xwing",
          "org": "alliance"
        "workload": "xwing"
      "docker": "551e161c47d8ff0eb665438a7bcd5b4",
      "parent_exec_id": "Z2tlLWpvaG4tNjMyLWRlZmF1bHQtcG9vbC03MDQxY2FjMC05czk1OjEzNTQ4NjcwODgzMjk5OjUyNjk5",
      "tid": 52699
    "parent": {
      "exec_id": "Z2tlLWpvaG4tNjMyLWRlZmF1bHQtcG9vbC03MDQxY2FjMC05czk1OjEzNTQ4NjcwODgzMjk5OjUyNjk5",
      "pid": 52699,
      "uid": 0,
      "cwd": "/",
      "binary": "/bin/bash",
      "arguments": "-c \"curl\"",
      "flags": "execve rootcwd clone",
      "start_time": "2023-10-06T22:03:57.696889812Z",
      "auid": 4294967295,
      "pod": {
        "namespace": "default",
        "name": "xwing",
        "container": {
          "id": "containerd://551e161c47d8ff0eb665438a7bcd5b4e3ef5a297282b40a92b7c77d6bd168eb3",
          "name": "spaceship",
          "image": {
            "id": "",
            "name": ""
          "start_time": "2023-10-06T21:52:41Z",
          "pid": 49
        "pod_labels": {
          "": "xwing",
          "class": "xwing",
          "org": "alliance"
        "workload": "xwing"
      "docker": "551e161c47d8ff0eb665438a7bcd5b4",
      "parent_exec_id": "Z2tlLWpvaG4tNjMyLWRlZmF1bHQtcG9vbC03MDQxY2FjMC05czk1OjEzNTQ4NjQ1MjQ1ODM5OjUyNjg5",
      "tid": 52699
  "node_name": "gke-john-632-default-pool-7041cac0-9s95",
  "time": "2023-10-06T22:03:57.700326678Z"

Will only highlight a few important fields here. For a full specification of events see the Reference section. All events in Tetragon contain a process_exec block to identify the process generating the event. For execution events this is the primary block. For Tracing Policy events the hook that generated the event will attach further data to this. The process_exec event provides a cluster wide unique id the process_exec.exec_id for this process along with the metadata expected in a Kubernetes cluster process_exec.process.pod. The binary and args being executed are part of the event here process_exec.process.binary and process_exec.process.args. Finally, a node_name and time provide the location and time for the event and will be present in all event types.

A default deployment writes the JSON log to /var/run/cilium/tetragon/tetragon.log where it can be exported through normal log collection tooling, e.g. ‘fluentd’, logstash, etc.. The file will be rotated and compressed by default. See [Helm Options] for details on how to customize this location.

Export Filtering

Export filters restrict the JSON event output to a subset of desirable events. These export filters are configured as a line-separated list of JSON objects, where each object can contain one or more filter expressions. Filters are combined by taking the logical OR of each line-separated filter object and the logical AND of sibling expressions within a filter object. As a concrete example, suppose we had the following filter configuration:

{"event_set": ["PROCESS_EXEC", "PROCESS_EXIT"], "namespace": "foo"}
{"event_set": ["PROCESS_KPROBE"]}

The above filter configuration would result in a match if:

  • The event type is PROCESS_EXEC or PROCESS_EXIT AND the pod namespace is “foo”; OR
  • The event type is PROCESS_KPROBE

Tetragon supports two groups of export filters: an allowlist and a denylist. If neither is configured, all events are exported. If only an allowlist is configured, event exports are considered default-deny, meaning only the events in the allowlist are exported. The denylist takes precedence over the allowlist in cases where two filter configurations match on the same event.

You can configure export filters using the provided helm options, command line flags, or environment variables.

List of Process Event Filters
Filter Description
event_set Filter process events by event types. Supported types include: PROCESS_EXEC, PROCESS_EXIT, PROCESS_KPROBE, PROCESS_UPROBE, PROCESS_TRACAEPOINT, PROCESS_LOADER
binary_regex Filter process events by a list of regular expressions of process binary names (e.g. "^/home/kubernetes/bin/kubelet$"). You can find the full syntax here.
health_check Filter process events if their binary names match Kubernetes liveness / readiness probe commands of their corresponding pods.
namespace Filter by Kubernetes pod namespaces. An empty string ("") filters processes that do not belong to any pod namespace.
pid Filter by process PID.
pid_set Like pid but also includes processes that are descendants of the listed PIDs.
pod_regex Filter by pod name using a list of regular expressions. You can find the full syntax here.
arguments_regex Filter by pod name using a list of regular expressions. You can find the full syntax here.
labels Filter events by pod labels using Kubernetes label selector syntax Note that this filter never matches events without the pod field (i.e. host process events).
policy_names Filter events by tracing policy names.
capabilities Filter events by Linux process capability.
parent_binary_regex Filter process events by a list of regular expressions of parent process binary names (e.g. "^/home/kubernetes/bin/kubelet$"). You can find the full syntax here.

Field Filtering

In some cases, it is not desirable to include all of the fields exported in Tetragon events by default. In these cases, you can use field filters to restrict the set of exported fields for a given event type. Field filters are configured similarly to export filters, as line-separated lists of JSON objects.

Field filters select fields using the protobuf field mask syntax under the "fields" key. You can define a path of fields using field names separated by period (.) characters. To define multiple paths in a single field filter, separate them with comma (,) characters. For example, "fields":"process.binary,parent.binary," would select only the process.binary, parent.binary, and fields.

By default, a field filter applies to all process events, although you can control this behaviour with the "event_set" key. For example, you can apply a field filter to PROCESS_CONNECT and PROCESS_CLOSE events by specifying "event_set":["PROCESS_CONNECT","PROCESS_CLOSE"] in the filter definition.

Each field filter has an "action" that determines what the filter should do with the selected field. The supported action types are "INCLUDE" and "EXCLUDE". A value of "INCLUDE" will cause the field to appear in an event, while a value of "EXCLUDE" will hide the field. In the absence of any field filter for a given event type, the export will include all fields by default. Defining one or more "INCLUDE" filters for a given event type changes that behaviour to exclude all other event types by default.

As a simple example of the above, consider the case where we want to include only exec_id and parent_exec_id in all event types except for PROCESS_EXEC:

{"fields":"process.exec_id,process.parent_exec_id", "event_set": ["PROCESS_EXEC"], "invert_event_set": true, "action": "INCLUDE"}

Redacting Sensitive Information

Since Tetragon traces the entire system, event exports might sometimes contain sensitive information (for example, a secret passed via a command line argument to a process). To prevent this information from being exfiltrated via Tetragon JSON export, Tetragon provides a mechanism called Redaction Filters which can be used to string patterns to redact from exported process arguments. These filters are written in JSON and passed to the Tetragon agent via the --redaction-filters command line flag or the redactionFilters Helm value.

To perform redactions, redaction filters define RE2 regular expressions in the redact field. Any capture groups in these RE2 regular expressions are redacted and replaced with "*****".

For more control, you can select which binary or binaries should have their arguments redacted with the binary_regex field.

As a concrete example, the following will redact all passwords passed to processes with the "--password" argument:

{"redact": ["--password(?:\\s+|=)(\\S*)"]}

Now, an event that contains the string "--password=foo" would have that string replaced with "--password=*****".

Suppose we also see some passwords passed via the -p shorthand for a specific binary, foo. We can also redact these as follows:

{"binary_regex": ["(?:^|/)foo$"], "redact": ["-p(?:\\s+|=)(\\S*)"]}

With both of the above redaction filters in place, we are now redacting all password arguments.

tetra CLI

A second way is to use the tetra CLI. This has the advantage that it can also be used to filter and pretty print the output. The tool allows filtering by process, pod, and other fields. To install tetra see the Tetra Installation Guide

To start printing events run:

kubectl logs -n kube-system -l -c export-stdout -f | tetra getevents -o compact

The tetra CLI is also available inside tetragon container.

kubectl exec -it -n kube-system ds/tetragon -c tetragon -- tetra getevents -o compact

This was used in the quick start and generates a pretty printing of the events, To further filter by a specific binary and/or pod do the following,

kubectl logs -n kube-system -l -c export-stdout -f | tetra getevents -o compact --processes curl --pod xwing

Will filter and report just the relevant events.

🚀 process default/xwing /usr/bin/curl
💥 exit    default/xwing /usr/bin/curl 60


In addition Tetragon can expose a gRPC endpoint listeners may attach to. The gRPC is exposed by default helm install on localhost:54321, but the address can be configured with the --server-address option. This can be set from helm with the tetragon.grpc.address flag or disabled completely if needed with tetragon.grpc.enabled.

helm install tetragon cilium/tetragon -n kube-system --set tetragon.grpc.enabled=true --set tetragon.grpc.address=localhost:54321

An example gRPC endpoint is the Tetra CLI when its not piped JSON output directly,

 kubectl exec -ti -n kube-system ds/tetragon -c tetragon -- tetra getevents -o compact